Modules and ECTS
All modules target some specific skills and expertise to be acquired:
The group of lectures in Sem 1: Bio-based composites and polymers + Synthesis and fabrication of biobased materials + Microorganisms in synthesis, give the basis of biomaterials composition and synthesis methodology, while group of laboratory practice: Molecular analysis and Optimization of bio-based materials + Instrumental analysis of biomaterials’ structural and chemical properties + Thermogravimetry for oxy-combustion analysis, give the opportunity to acquire analytical skills in the preparation of samples, the ability to operate the advance instrumental equipment and most importantly experience in analysis of data obtained. The UCLM partner supports this module in Sem 2 in the course related to fabrication by the production of polymers directly from naturally occurring compounds or from bio-based materials. The LUT partner in Sem 3 gives technological course focuses on bio-based materials processing and applications in e.g. food packaging and textile fibrous materials.
This module refers to design of processes and technologies for the sustainable manufacture of bioproducts (materials, chemicals and energy) from renewable biological resources. In Sem 1 the WUST partner provides lectures and laboratory on Biochemical unit operations and reactors. In Sem 2, the UCLM partner provides the group of lectures: Bioprocesses design + Bioprocesses simulation by AspenHysys and AspenPlus + Dynamic and control of bioprocesses, laboratory/bench scale work with a technical focus on methodology of numerical design and optimization of the processes, process control and industrial measurement. In Sem 3 the LUT provides the course on development of new sustainable bio-products processes focusing on implementation, pilot scale demonstration and case studies in the field application.
In Sem 1 the WUST partner provides the theoretical basis and laboratory practice on Chemical-thermal biomass conversion processes + Biomass treatment, purification and modification to be marketed as biofuel. In Sem 2 the UCLM partner provides the group of lectures related to engineering aspects of different unit operation involved in the Production of biofuels (including lab-synthesis of biodiesel, bioethanol, biogas and waste biomass pyrolysis). In Sem 3, the LUT partner provides a course on Lignocellulosic biorefineries detailing current (e.g. Kraft pulping) and emerging (e.g. organosolv processes) large-scale processes employing lignocellulose as the raw material. The course includes a site visit to an industrial biorefinery. Course on Separation technology in biorefining implements a problem-based learning approach to develop the students engineering analysis and design skills in the context of separation unit operations.
The courses on Biobased economy + Recycling of materials + SigmaPro Lab gives fundamentals of circular economy and introduces the methodology of conversion of resources, residues, by-products and side streams into value added products. Good laboratory practice course familiarizes students with safety, consistency, high quality, and reliability of chemicals in laboratory. Group of lectures on Material and energy valorisation of waste in a circular economy introduces the methodology of the valorisation of the biomass/biogenic fraction of waste into different bioenergy products (heat, power cooling, liquid and gaseous biofuels) as well as production of renewable chemicals. The courses on Project management tools for biomarket + Economic assessment + Business model (General rules, Canvas, DAFO) targeting on sustainable bio-economy related to sustainable economic development on issues such as climate warming and fossil resources, natural resource scarcity, biomass competition, biodiversity, waste streams, governance, social well-being.
The goal of this module is to guide novice students towards effective research methodology by helping them gaining a clear understanding of a research structure as well as familiarise them with current trends in scientific data analysis. After finishing this set of courses, graduates will be capable of participating in applied research projects, designing and building assessment instruments, analysing and interpreting data, and translating research findings for application to educational settings.
Compulsory sport classes as at every level of study as beneficial for students' health and a way to create good relationships between students; philosophical classes playing important role in clarification of scientific concepts and theories, critical assessment of scientific assumptions or methods, and fostering of dialogue between science and society; language skills as the tool of modern communication. In parallel, students learn basics of the local languages to easy adaptation in different countries and assimilation with local student community.