Admission process

All eligible applications are evaluated and ranked by the Consortium’s Selection Committee with a maximum score of 50 points according to the following criteria:

  • Grades Average of academic results of the student within his/her classes.
  • Adequacy of the student’s background (academic courses) for the SBBE program.
  • Relevance of merits associated with the CV.

The admission policy is intended to ensure equal opportunity of access to higher education for qualified European and Third-country students. In the first instance the Selection Committee selects those students who meet the Admission Requirements and afterwards establishes a ranking considering merits. Then shortlisted 50 candidates are invited for an on-line interview. Finally, the Committee prepares the list of candidates selected for SBBE scholarship as well as the reserve list.

The candidates from both lists are informed accordingly by e-mail by the SBBE the project manager. The candidates selected for SBBE scholarship must confirm their participation in the program within one week.

After the decision of the selection is communicated, applicant has the possibility to appeal against it to the Consortium Selection Committee (procedure and appeal form). 

Students who benefited from any other Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) scholarship in the past are not eligible to apply for the SBBE scholarship.


The call for the academic year  2025/2026 is open.