About the program
The project aim is to provide excellent quality and innovative EMJM programme to increase the attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area by internationalization of the education.
Teaching objectives:
The first objective
is to train scientists-engineers able to design and develop sustainable technologies for biomass conversion/treatment and bio-products/bio-materials processing. The received level of training should allow them to continue with PhD programs all over the world or to work as leaders in the new developing industry.
The second objective
is to promote excellence, innovation, mobility, diversity as well as complementarities of European Universities and Research Laboratories. This Master program has a unique chance to define a new way of teaching in bio-based products and processes engineering domains in Europe.
The third objective
is to bring highly-motivated third-country students to Europe as well as to provide to European students options in international academic training. The SBBE Master Program Consortium gives to its students a unique chance to interact closely with professors during classes and thesis work. Our rich scientific (Summer School, Invited Scholars) and cultural (European heritage-oriented program) activities are aiming at this goal.
The program offers transversal skills development that allows students to get awareness of ethical issues, EU legislative framework, and intellectual property rights as well as gain skills in communication, decision taking and collective actions.